Soothing a Fever

How Lipid Management Leads To Overall Better Health

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Lipids are fats. Lipids in your blood are normal, except when they are elevated. Elevated lipids in your blood are measured through cholesterol screenings, and levels that are too high lead to a variety of diseases that could be deadly. Ergo, lipid management leads to overall better health. Here is how lipid management does that. Lower Cholesterol (Lipids) Means Less Atherosclerosis When your LDL (low density lipoproteins or “bad” cholesterol) is high, you have an increased risk of developing fatty plaques in your arteries. Read More»

9 Must-Haves For A Smooth Breast Augmentation Recovery

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If you’re getting ready to have breast augmentation surgery, you probably have a lot on your mind. Will you love your new breasts? Will ahem everyone else love them? These are all normal jitters, but have you given much thought to what you need after surgery? No worries. This list covers most everything you’ll want to have on hand, from medications all the way to entertainment, so your recovery is as enjoyable as it can be. Read More»

Recently Diagnosed With Pancreatitis? How Can You Manage Your Painful Symptoms?

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If you’ve recently received a formal diagnosis of pancreatitis from your physician, you may be relieved to finally have pinpointed the cause of your pain and various digestive symptoms. On the other hand, continuing to deal with these symptoms can be intense, and you may find that even the highest doses of over-the-counter pain relievers don’t touch your discomfort once you’re in the midst of a pancreatitis attack. What can you do to reduce the severity of your symptoms and begin to resume a more normal, pain-free life? Read More»

Serving Joint Replacement Patients With Your Expertise In Medical Equipment

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As the owner of a medical equipment rental company or a representative for medical equipment manufacturers, you have a lot of choices to make about which products to feature as you grow your business. Yes, the standard items such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, and monitoring equipment can provide a stable base of income. But to develop your business further, it’s important to look at emerging trends. By identifying the areas where your current and future customers will have the greatest needs, you can focus on becoming the expert supplier of the medical equipment that’s in demand. Read More»

3 Things To Know About Cognitive Impairment From A Brain Injury

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If your spouse was involved in a major car accident that left him or her with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), he or she may never quite be the same. Major brain injuries often leave people with long-term cognitive impairment. While there are ways to treat this problem, there is most likely no guaranteed method of treatment that will fully restore your spouse’s cognitive skills. Here are a few things you should understand about cognitive brain injuries. Read More»