Soothing a Fever

How Has 3D Printing Impacted Healthcare Jobs?

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3D printing may sound like something straight from a sci-fi movie, but it is gaining in popularity—and has recently been revealed to have groundbreaking and lifesaving uses in the world of medicine. In fact, it may not be hyperbole to refer to 3D printing as the true future of medicine. What is 3D printing, anyway? As the name implies, 3D printing involves creating a physical device from a three-dimensional digital model through a special printer. Read More»

3 Guidelines For Buying And Maintaining A Walk-In Tub

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If you are a senior citizen or a person with limited mobility, you will want to invest in a walk-in tub that can be useful to your health. Before you run out and buy a walk-in tub, you should know the advantages of ownership, how you can find the right walk-in tub contractor, and tips on maintaining the tub. To this end, follow these tips and start getting in touch with some professionals who will happily assist you. Read More»

Spinal Decompression Therapy May Help Your Back Pain

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If you have back pain that’s caused by problems with your discs, then you might benefit from spinal decompression. One type of decompression treatment is surgery that relieves pressure on the nerves in your spine. A more gentle type of treatment is spinal decompression therapy. This therapy might be able to correct your condition and relieve your pain without having to undergo back surgery. Here is some more information. How Spinal Decompression Therapy Is Done Read More»

How Lipid Management Leads To Overall Better Health

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Lipids are fats. Lipids in your blood are normal, except when they are elevated. Elevated lipids in your blood are measured through cholesterol screenings, and levels that are too high lead to a variety of diseases that could be deadly. Ergo, lipid management leads to overall better health. Here is how lipid management does that. Lower Cholesterol (Lipids) Means Less Atherosclerosis When your LDL (low density lipoproteins or “bad” cholesterol) is high, you have an increased risk of developing fatty plaques in your arteries. Read More»

9 Must-Haves For A Smooth Breast Augmentation Recovery

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If you’re getting ready to have breast augmentation surgery, you probably have a lot on your mind. Will you love your new breasts? Will ahem everyone else love them? These are all normal jitters, but have you given much thought to what you need after surgery? No worries. This list covers most everything you’ll want to have on hand, from medications all the way to entertainment, so your recovery is as enjoyable as it can be. Read More»