Even after you have gotten your acne under control, you may have scars that will stay with you for your entire life if you do not get them treated. For many people, these scars are unsightly or embarrassing. Certain types of scars, such as raised scars, may even by itchy or painful. You may want to consult with a dermatologist about the many options for removing or reducing these scars.
While you are considering home methods for reducing your scars, you may come across the concept of dry brushing, which helps exfoliate the skin. Read More»
After breaking a bone, your child may be in a cast for as long as three and ten weeks before the healing process is complete. Unfortunately casts tend to stick out like a sore thumb, which tends to make kids feel self-conscious about their appearance. You may find that your child is more resistant to things like going to school, playing outside, and enjoying basic weekend activities while they are wearing a cast. Read More»
Pregnancy brings with it a myriad of discomforts, but one of the most painful can be inflammation of the sciatic nerve, or sciatica. Because the sciatic nerve is one of the largest and longest nerves in the body, the pain from this condition can be unbearable, especially because pregnant women are limited in the types of pain medication they can take. If you are suffering from sciatic nerve pain, there are some things you can do to help ease the discomfort. Read More»
Citing the American Optometric Association, ThinkAboutYourEyes.com notes that infants should go for their first eye exam when they’re six months old. Although children may not be old enough to play the “e” game and say which way an “e” is pointing, a physician can check to make sure their eyes are developing properly. Your infant’s first eye exam isn’t an appointment you should skip. If you’re apprehensive about taking your baby to the eye doctor for the first time, here are five tips to make sure the appointment goes well. Read More»
Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that can be quite intrusive and devastating. It is important to check your body regularly for these signs and symptoms and to always be on the lookout for any unusual moles, growths and lesions. It is also important to converse with your physician regarding melanoma. Included throughout the course of this brief article is a guide to a few of the signs and symptoms of melanoma and what, in particular, you should look for. Read More»