Soothing a Fever

Helpful Tips For Choosing A Medicare Advantage Plan

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Health insurance is a vital tool that each person needs in their health care arsenal. Given its importance, choosing coverage isn’t always this straightforward; particularly when it comes to Medicare plans. To supplement coverage, there are Medicare Advantage plans available, but they are not all the same. To ensure you’re getting the right level of coverage, here are a handful of tips to assist you in choosing. Cost How much the plan cost should be one of your leading factors in the decision process. Read More»

How To Relieve A Sinus Infection Naturally

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A sinus infection can make you feel miserable and uncomfortable. If you are suffering from a sinus infection, there are several natural ways you can relieve the infection. Natural remedies are easy to use, affordable and effective. Here are some of the best ways to get relief from a sinus infection naturally. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is great for thinning out the mucus in your nostrils and helping to relieve the nasal congestion that is often associated with a sinus infection. Read More»

3 Reasons You Should Consult Your Family Doctor For Mental Health Issues

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Many people many not think about their family doctor as the first-step in dealing with mental health concerns. Fortunately, your family doctor can help with ruling-out other conditions and point you in the right direction for care. Start With Baseline Screening More family doctors and other professionals in primary care settings are being trained to identify issues related to mental health. This is often due to changes decades ago related to insurance and the need for referrals to see a mental health professional. Read More»

Therapy Dolls for Use with Alzheimer's Patients

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Loved ones with Alzheimer’s fear the world every day due to their memory loss. This leaves them vulnerable, and it creates paranoia and a sense of distrust. Recent studies demonstrate the positive benefits that therapy dolls create for Alzheimer’s patients. If you or someone you know is going through Alzheimer’s, talk to their doctor about therapy dolls for sale.  Benefits of a Therapy Doll Mental stimulation Alzheimer’s patients may not be able to regenerate missing brain cells, but they can hinder the degeneration with mental stimulation. Read More»

What Every Winter Swimmer Needs To Know About Swimmer's Ear

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With winter weather settling in, it’s that time of year when many families start taking advantage of the indoor pool services at the local community center. If you’re spending your winter playing in the pool with the kids, it’s important that you don’t dismiss complaints of an earache at any stage. Swimmer’s ear is an inflammatory infection of the outer ear that’s usually due to moisture being trapped in the ear, and it needs medical attention for treatment. Read More»