Soothing a Fever

3 Things Athletes Must Know About Eye Care

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As an athlete, you may rely on your vision even more than most people do. Your eyes need to be sharp to see which way your opponent is going or to spot a ball on a crowded field. However, as an athlete, you’re also at greater risk for eye injury than most people, especially if you play outdoors, play a contact sport, or play any sport where objects are likely to fly fast in the direction of your face. Read More»

Love the Skin You're in: 4 Ways to Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer

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Skin cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer in the United States and the number of people diagnosed with the disease continues to rise. However, most cases of skin cancer can be prevented according to the Surgeon General. If you spend a lot of time outdoors or want to decrease your chances of developing skin cancer, you should heed the following guidelines to lessen your chances of getting diagnosed with the disease. Read More»

5 Trends In Eyeglasses To Be Aware Of

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While prescription glasses may change the way that you see the world, the type of glasses you choose can change the way the world sees you. Every year the fashion and technology around glasses changes, and it is important to be aware of the options that are available to you. Below you will find five trends that you should be aware of while you look for eyeglasses for you or your children in the coming year. Read More»

Cosmetic Cosplay: Emulating Your Favorite Villain Smiles

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Dressing up as your favorite superhero or sci-fi character requires serious commitment in the cosplay world. If you’re looking to take things one step further, then consider visiting a cosmetic dentist for a nice change. With a little professional work, you can have your mouth look just like your favorite villain from the cosplay universe. These changes can be placed permanently in your mouth or as just a temporary change. Read More»

Understanding REM Behavior Disorder And How It Can Be Treated

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If you do not sleep well through the night, then you may need to cut down on the naps and the caffeine consumed throughout the day. If your sleep problems involve acting out dreams, punching the bed, kicking wildly, or sleepwalking, then you likely have a sleep disorder. In your case, REM behavior disorder is probably the culprit. If you are unfamiliar with this sleep problem, then it is in your best interest to seek out a sleep disorders specialist or a sleep professional so a positive diagnosis can be made. Read More»