Many people many not think about their family doctor as the first-step in dealing with mental health concerns. Fortunately, your family doctor can help with ruling-out other conditions and point you in the right direction for care.
Start With Baseline Screening
More family doctors and other professionals in primary care settings are being trained to identify issues related to mental health. This is often due to changes decades ago related to insurance and the need for referrals to see a mental health professional. Read More»
Loved ones with Alzheimer’s fear the world every day due to their memory loss. This leaves them vulnerable, and it creates paranoia and a sense of distrust. Recent studies demonstrate the positive benefits that therapy dolls create for Alzheimer’s patients. If you or someone you know is going through Alzheimer’s, talk to their doctor about therapy dolls for sale.
Benefits of a Therapy Doll
Mental stimulation Alzheimer’s patients may not be able to regenerate missing brain cells, but they can hinder the degeneration with mental stimulation. Read More»
With winter weather settling in, it’s that time of year when many families start taking advantage of the indoor pool services at the local community center. If you’re spending your winter playing in the pool with the kids, it’s important that you don’t dismiss complaints of an earache at any stage. Swimmer’s ear is an inflammatory infection of the outer ear that’s usually due to moisture being trapped in the ear, and it needs medical attention for treatment. Read More»
If you’re going to be having hip surgery, be prepared for the recovery process. You will spend some time in the hospital after the surgery, but most of your recovery time will be spent at home. While the recovery period can be long and arduous, you can make it more productive and comfortable by being prepared. Here are four important pre-surgery steps you should take to help with your recovery process. Read More»
Osteoporosis can be a very tricky condition. Most of the time people do not even realize they have osteoporosis until they have a vertebral fracture or something traumatic happens. Then osteoporosis can make recovery much harder. Because of the estrogen drop during menopause and post-menopause, women are more likely than men to have the condition. In fact there are an estimated 10 million individuals with osteoporosis, and of those 10 million, 8 million are women. Read More»