Soothing a Fever

How Robotic-Assisted Knee Surgery Helps Retail Workers With MCL Tears

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The knee is one of the most important joints on the body because it helps to make a body stable and prevents trips and falls. Unfortunately, it is possible to suffer from injuries like medial collateral ligament tears that may make it hard for a person to stand or walk, making it very hard for those in retail to do their duties. As a result, robotic-arm assisted knee surgery may be necessary. Read More»

Is A Tummy Tuck A Good Cosmetic Option For You?

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Abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck, is one of the most common procedures available. A tummy tuck can give you the confidence you need to feel your best, but you may still have a lot of questions about the procedure. If you are considering cosmetic surgery, the tummy tuck may be one of your preferred options. These are a few things you should consider before you meet with a doctor about the procedure. Read More»

When Should You See A Gastroenterologist?

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Gastroenterologists are also known as stomach doctors. These medical professionals specialize in the health of the digestive tract. If you’re experiencing stomach pain or discomfort, you may need to see this specialist. Still, it can be difficult to know when it’s appropriate to seek medical attention. Here are four signs that you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist: 1. Persistent Upset Stomach Everyone experiences an upset stomach from time to time. Read More»

Should You See A Counselor For Borderline Personality Disorder?

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Personality disorders are incredibly difficult to deal with. Borderline personality disorder is no exception. In fact, many people seek mental health treatment as a way to improve their mental health. If this sounds familiar to you, you may want to know more about your condition. Will you benefit from counseling? This is what you need to know. Borderline Personality Disorder Can Change Everything It is important to consider the role borderline personality disorder (BPD) can play in your life. Read More»

How Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery Helps Young Children

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Scoliosis is one of those diseases that can impact a person long into their life and is very painful when it worsens. However, parents may not know what to do when their child tests positive for this condition. Minimally invasive surgery done as soon as possible is often the best step to ensure that a child’s scoliosis doesn’t become a very major issue. Scoliosis May Sneak Up on a Child Read More»