Soothing a Fever

Ending Insomnia: Natural Ways To Get A Good Night's Sleep

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If you spend endless nights tossing and turning, your eyes burning with exhaustion, but your body is somehow still unable to give you the sleep you need, you need a healthy, long-term solution. Some over-the-counter medications will give one good night, but you can’t become dependent on drugs. There are a few natural methods you can try to help improve your sleep situation.  Break Out The Essential Oils Some essential oils have the power to soothe anxiety and calm the mind. Read More»

Vitamin D Levels Could Have Significant Impact On Asthma Treatment

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The adage, “You learn something new every day” is certainly correct for a recent study on the link between vitamin D and asthma. It appears that researchers have correlated vitamin D levels with the frequency of attacks suffered by asthma patients. The lower a patient’s vitamin D level, the more likely the patient is to suffer an asthma attack. This could be a significant breakthrough in the treatment of asthma. Read More»

5 Misconceptions About Root Canals

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A root canal is one of the most dreaded dental procedures patients face, and many patients will go to great lengths to avoid it. Root canals can be scary because they involve filling a space deep within the roots of your teeth. However, the bad reputation of a root canal may be undeserved and overrated. The American Association of Endodontists reports that more than 15 million root canals are performed each year in the United States, and most people leave the procedure in less pain and satisfied with the results. Read More»

4 Super Cool Ways To Help Your Child Love Going To The Dentist

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Taking a child to the dentist can be one of three things – a nightmare, an exercise in futility, or a smooth, uneventful appointment that results in clean, healthy teeth. Any parent would choose the latter option, but few know how to actually accomplish it. Here are four super cool ways you can help your child look forward to dental appointments (yes, seriously) and calm any fears they may have about the dentist. Read More»

Nutritious And Labor Friendly Foods To Offer Pregnant Mothers

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If you are a midwife, then it is your job to help expectant mothers through the birthing process. You will most likely assist with home births and this means that birthing pools, essential oils, and heating pads are things that you commonly use. It can take five hours or more for a mother to go through active labor, and this means that you will spend a great deal of time helping mothers through their deliveries. Read More»