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Ways You May Damage Your Hearing Aids

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Proper hearing aid care and maintenance can help you get the most out of your hearing aid. They are sensitive pieces of electronics that may not work well if certain things happen. Here are some ways that hearing aids become damaged and how you can keep yours in top condition. Common Causes of Hearing Aid Damage Most hearing aids are durable with normal use. However, if you have experienced any of the things listed below, your hearing aids may need repair. Read More»

Have Osteoarthritis? Here Are Some Non-Surgical Knee Treatment Options

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If you are struggling with a painful knee due to osteoarthritis, you may be searching for non-surgical knee osteoarthritis treatment options. Your rheumatologist may be able to provide insight into your options, though the most simple and common treatment options are as follows.  Low-Impact Exercise It is no secret that many forms of exercise can be hard on your knees. Anything that jolts your knees when you move can compress your cartilage and cause you additional pain. Read More»

Six Reasons To Sign Up For Marijuana Growing Classes

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You don’t have to be an experienced gardener to succeed in growing your own marijuana. In fact, there are marijuana growing classes out there nowadays that can get you started with learning to be a grower. The following are six reasons to sign up for marijuana growing classes.  Marijuana is being legalized in increasingly more locations. In the past, you might have been discouraged from growing your own marijuana due to legality issues. Read More»

About Depression And Depression Therapy

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Depression is a mental health disorder in which a person is chronically depressed in a way that has a significant effect on their quality of life. You will be able to learn more about depression and how it can affect someone in this article, as well as depression therapy and how it can be helpful.  Causes of depression Some people are in the habit of saying they “are so depressed” when what they really mean is they are sad. Read More»

Why Outsourcing Your Medical Transcription Might Be Your Best Solution

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Whenever physicians interact with a patient, they need to record the details of the encounter so they or other healthcare providers can review the symptoms, complaints, diagnoses, prescriptions, and whatever else occurred during the visit. Typically, they will dictate their notes into a recording device. The task of getting those notes into the patient’s permanent record is the job of a medical transcriptionist so that the healthcare provider can focus on patient care and other essential tasks. Read More»

Why Should You See A Rheumatologist And How To Prep For Your First Visit

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Is a rheumatologist the right specialist for you? If you’re not sure whether this type of doctor can meet your needs, take a look at the top reasons to see a rheumatology specialist, how to find a provider, and the best ways to prepare for your first appointment. Why Should You See a Rheumatology Specialist? You schedule a visit with your primary care physician (PCP) or visit the local urgent care clinic when you have a sore throat, low fever, or congestion. Read More»

Two Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Before And After Pregnancy

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While many pregnant people are happy to carry their bundles of joy, there’s no denying pregnancy and delivery are hard on the body. Luckily, there are many things you can do to minimize the hardship your body undergoes before and after the birth of your child, and opting for physical therapy (PT) is one of them. Here are two ways PT can help. Labor and Delivery Prep When a baby is ready to be born, it moves into the birth canal where it’s subsequently pushed through the vagina into the world. Read More»

Endovenous Laser Ablation: Reasons Why You Should Try It

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Endovenous laser ablation is a micro-needling procedure that has been shown to improve blood flow by breaking up the vein walls. This treatment is used for milder venous insufficiency cases, but it may also improve symptoms in more severe cases. Venous insufficiency is the inability of the veins to function properly. If they are not functioning effectively, it may lead to varicose veins. If your veins can’t function properly, you are at higher risk for developing edema, which is swelling attributed to fluid accumulation in the body. Read More»

Helpful Tips — Keeping Track Of Prescription Medications

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If you or someone in your household has been diagnosed with a medical condition that requires them to take a lot of various medications, you may find it difficult to keep track of it all. When a lot of different medications are taken, it’s crucially important to keep strict tabs on each medication and take them as directed so they don’t get mixed up and cause a serious health problem or overdose. Read More»

Your Brief Guide to Birth Control Pills

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There are a lot of birth control methods available to those who don’t want to have a child at this point. Each method comes with its own set of benefits, but many find birth control pills to be the right choice. Also, when a woman takes birth control pills, they can help with certain health-related issues the woman may be dealing with. Here are some of the positive things birth control pills can do for someone: Read More»