Going In For Hip Surgery? Tips That Will Help You Prepare
If you're going to be having hip surgery, be prepared for the recovery process. You will spend some time in the hospital after the surgery, but most of your recovery time will be spent at home. While the recovery period can be long and arduous, you can make it more productive and comfortable by being prepared. Here are four important pre-surgery steps you should take to help with your recovery process.
Learn as Much as You Can
If your hip is causing you pain, surgery will help alleviate that discomfort. It will also help you regain your mobility. Prior to your surgery, you need to learn as much about the procedure as you can. Understanding the procedure, including how it's performed, and what will happen afterwards, will help your recovery go smoother. When you're researching the procedure, be sure to keep a notebook handy. This will allow you to write down any questions you might have. Take the notebook with you to each of your doctors appointments. That way, you can have your questions ready to ask your doctor. Write down the answers next to each of the questions so that you can refer back to the information, as needed.
Practice with a Walker
After surgery, you'll need assistance with your walking. In most cases, you'll be using a walker until you're able to walk on your own. Walkers can be a little tricky to get used to, especially during those first few days after surgery. To help yourself recover, and to avoid discomfort during the learning phase, practice with your walker before you go in for surgery. Practice using your walker on several different surfaces, including carpeting, concrete pavement, and ceramic tile. The practice will ensure that you're comfortable with the walker prior to surgery.
Start a Walking Regimen
Hip surgery is a complicated process, which will require you to be in good health. Prior to your surgery, get in the habit of walking each day. If you aren't already enjoying daily walks, add them to your routine. Try to take short walks at least twice a day, morning and night, to get your body prepared for the recovery process. Walking now will help your hip recover faster after the surgery.
Enlist Help
If you come straight home from the hospital after surgery, instead of going to a rehab center for a few weeks, you're going to need some assistance. You won't be able to get around as freely as you'd like, which means you'll need help around the house. Try to arrange for help prior to the day of your surgery. That way you have people ready to help as soon as you're discharged from the hospital.