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3 Things to Know When Considering Assisted Living

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Whether it’s someone looking down the road at their own post retirement years or simply just caring for an aging relative, planning for long term care is very important. Almost 70 percent of people over the age of 65 will need some form of long term care at some point during the remainder of their lives. For many, this means residing in an assisted living facility. These facilities are able to offer support to those who are not able to live alone but still want some independence. Read More»

The Number Of Sessions Needed For Tattoo Removal Depend On Features Of Your Unwanted Tattoo

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If you have a tattoo you absolutely hate, there are two options you could consider. The first is you could have it covered with a new tattoo. This method may work great for some people, but it is not the best option if you hate the location of the tattoo. If you not only despise the tattoo itself but also hate the location of it, you may want to get the tattoo removed. Read More»

Pediatric Asthma - Identifying And Controlling Allergy Triggers

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If you have a young child with asthma, then it is essential that you develop a treatment plan with your son or daughter’s respiratory specialist to make sure that your child does not develop an emergency respiratory episode. The treatment plan should include medications for the asthma as well as humidifiers and other breathing assistance devices. As a parent, you also should do your part to make sure that asthma flare-ups do not occur on a regular basis. Read More»

5 Tips To Make Sure Your Infant's First Pediatric Eye Exam Goes Well

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Citing the American Optometric Association, notes that infants should go for their first eye exam when they’re six months old. Although children may not be old enough to play the “e” game and say which way an “e” is pointing, a physician can check to make sure their eyes are developing properly. Your infant’s first eye exam isn’t an appointment you should skip. If you’re apprehensive about taking your baby to the eye doctor for the first time, here are five tips to make sure the appointment goes well. Read More»

Gait's Analysis For Serious Runners: 4 Common Pains And The Causes Behind Them

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Fifty percent of Americans who love regularly lacing up their running shoes for a run outdoors on the pavement will suffer from an injury each and every year. The injuries are not a result of training too hard, but rather a result of the way that people run. Depending on a runner’s gait, he or she may have a stride that reaches way too far out or his or her legs may be landing on the pavement at an awkward angle, and causing strain on the tendons and muscles. Read More»

Keep Your Back Healthy This Holiday Season: How To Safely Handle Your Decorations

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Homeowners will soon be removing decorations from attics and basements, putting up trees and stringing lights on their homes. However, with all of this activity can come a dark side; the careless handling of holiday decor can cause serious, painful back injuries. It would be a shame if you spent this holiday season in pain or incapacitated; that’s why you need to learn how to properly handle your decorative items to avoid hurting your back: Read More»

7 Activities To Share With Your Loved One When Visiting The Alzheimer's Care Facility

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Alzheimer’s patients need activities to help stimulate cognitive functioning, promote social interaction, alleviate depression and improve self-esteem. A visit from a loved one may inspire recollections of past events, especially if your loved one is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Visitations to your loved one’s Alzheimer’s care facility may also help foster relationships and strengthen bonds.  To help your loved one become more engaged with life and spark pleasant memories, share any of these activities on your next visit: Read More»

Ending Insomnia: Natural Ways To Get A Good Night's Sleep

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If you spend endless nights tossing and turning, your eyes burning with exhaustion, but your body is somehow still unable to give you the sleep you need, you need a healthy, long-term solution. Some over-the-counter medications will give one good night, but you can’t become dependent on drugs. There are a few natural methods you can try to help improve your sleep situation.  Break Out The Essential Oils Some essential oils have the power to soothe anxiety and calm the mind. Read More»

First-, Second-, And Third-Degree Burns: Which Do You Have?

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Before you decide whether to go to a walk-in clinic or emergency room, you must first distinguish a minor burn from a serious burn. According to the American Burn Association, there was an estimated 450,000 burn injuries that received medical treatment in 2013. Burn injuries are separated into three primary classifications, including first-degree burns, second-degree burns, and third-degree burns. If you’ve suffered a burn, use the following guide to determine the seriousness of your injury. Read More»